MDrawingMode [(]Mode.w[)] ; InvMode/MColourMode/MReMapMode/MSimpleReMapMode to use for drawing (MPlot etc)

The drawing commands such as MPlot, MLine, MCls etc, usually perform their
operations in MColourMode. However, using MDrawingMode to specify what mode to
use it is possible to render using other methods. Allowed modes are InvMode,
MColourMode, MReMapMode and MSimpleReMapMode. In InvMode all drawing operations
will invert the destination image. In MColour mode all drawing operations will
just draw normally in the selected colour or the previously specified ink. In
MReMapMode the drawing will be performed in such a way that the destination is
combined with the currently used or specified colour or ink, using a complex
2-dimensional remap, which will use the currently used Table object. In
SimpleReMapMode the destination will be remapped using a 1-dimensional remapping
method using the currently used Table object. Note that if you set the drawing
mode to do remapping and you try to draw to a stencil or cookie, the mode will be
temporarily switched to MColourMode, as it is illogical to be performing
remapping to the stencil/cookie.

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